About Jeff
The fine art of box making was something I fell in love with over nine years ago. The beauty of a box can really only be limited by ones imagination. I strive to push the boundaries of the art. I like my pieces to challenge a persons thought process. What woods did he use? What does this lever do? I also believe the box should be a functional sculptural piece at the same time. It is an object that will draw attention to itself and start conversations.
Each individual box is unique. I work with the client to come up with the most fitting design and that design is never built again. I love making the boxes into very personal pieces.
-2009/2010 Master Craftsman for The Woodworking Shows with "My Nightmares and Dreams"
-Best of Show 2010 Lake County Art League Spring Show with "My Nightmares and Dreams"
-1st Place Lumberjocks 2010 Summer Awards with "Ripple"
-1st Place Gorilla Glue "Nothing New Except the Glue" Challange with "Firefly"
-2nd Place Wood Magazine "WoodWorking Showdown" Competition with "Box of Chocolates"
-3rd Place Fine WoodWorking Magazine "Scraptacular" Competition with "Home is where the Hearth is"
-Honorable Mention in the 31st Recent Works Exhibit at the Robert T. Wright Gallery with "Ripple"
-Exhibitor at the 2012 Carriage House Gallery National Juried Exhibit with "For Frank"
-1st place in the open division and overall Peoples Choice at the 2013 Milwaukee The Woodworking Shows with "Vertebrae"
-2013/2014 Master Craftsman for The Woodworking Shows with "Vertebrae"
-Honorable Mention at the Northwest Woodworkers Gallery 35th Annual Box & Vessel Show with "X-Ray" and runner up peoples choice with "Vertebrae"
-2017 Artist in residence (for a day) at Racine Art Museum
-1st place at Gallery on 16th 2018 inaugural exhibit with "Fineline"
-3rd Place at Trout Museum of Art 2023 TMA Contemporary with "Domus Dolorem"

This is out of the September-October 2010 edition of Woodworker West Magazine

This is a national advertisement for The WoodWorking Shows that ran in the September-October 2010 and November-December 2010 edition of Woodworker West magazine. This same full page ad will also be running in the upcoming March-April edition of Wood magazine! Look for it!

Imagine your picture being on the side of a truck driving from coast-to-coast throughout the year...pretty wild. The very nice people that run The WoodWorking Shows let me know when the truck was available at the 2010 Chicago show. We ran out in the blizzard and took some photos. A great, but cold, time it was!